Massive police search for missing Swiss twins | World news | The Guardian: "Italian, Swiss and French police were searching for missing six-year-old twin girls who disappeared after their father died in an apparent suicide in southern Italy.
Matthias Kaspar Schepp, a Swiss resident of Canadian origin, collected his daughters Alessia and Livia from his estranged wife in Lausanne, Switzerland on 28 January, and agreed to drop them off at school a week ago today.
Schepp, 43, was found dead on rail tracks near Cerignola in Puglia, southern Italy, on Thursday, said police, who are using helicopters and sniffer dogs to search the area for the twins.
'We are putting all our resources at the disposal of the search operation,' said Alfredo Fabrocini, the head of the flying squad in nearby Foggia. 'The girls may be anywhere, we hope alive,' he added."