
Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Romanian burglary gang arrested

22:01 | ,

Spanish National Police have broken up what they describe as a military group of 25 people who dedicated their time to robbing from shops and homes across the country.
The arrests of the group, all Romanians, were made in Madrid, Valencia and on the Balearic Islands.Police say they had a network of spies who would first identify possible targets to be burgled, while another part of the group would set up a security cordon round the site when the theft was taking place. Police say they acted across the country and had frequency inhibitors to block alarms and ultrasound devices to deal with guard dogs.Investigations started in the Valencia region and the alleged head of the gang was detained as he was trying to board a plane from Madrid back to Romania. He was carrying 24,000 € cash at the time.

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